成为我们的会员 Become a member




What is a membership?

Membership is a wide concept, which usually refers to members of some group or organization. In Sweden, all the official organizations (including Student Union, Societies, clubs) would have a membership system.

Chalmers Kinagrupp, an official student organization in Chalmers, is a formal organization registered in Sweden through the Swedish tax agency, Skatteverket, which has its own membership system.





What are the benefits of being a member?

As a member, you are part of the organization, who agrees on the rules and regulations of this organization. You will be able to have access to all the welfare and discounts that are provided by the organization. You have the right to ask for the bylaws of the organization, and right to vote for board and bylaw changes. The organization is required to have an annual general meeting which will let the members know of the organization’s operating situation, yearly report, past events, board or executive team change, income and expenses information, etc.

As a member of Chalmers Kinagrupp, you can enjoy a good discount for all of Kinagrupp’s activities. You can obtain the free information and experience from seniors, which also means more opportunities to pursue advanced studies or job opportunities. What’s more, communicating with people from other countries would be a lot of fun










How to become a member of Chalmers Kinagrupp?

Right now, the membership of Kinagrupp is only available for people who are/were studying in Chalmers or Gothenburg University. Due to some regulations, applicants who are not studying in Chalmers will have to wait for vacancy while applying the membership (more information about this is available in our bylaws).

Students need to provide their student email, while alumni will need to provide their graduation certification. If either of the above documents can be provided, you need to write an application and explain the reason (it will take longer for us to check your application in this way). Everything should be of electronic edition. Note that any paper documents will not be considered.

After the verification of qualification, all qualified applicants will receive an email with details about the online payment together with Kinagrupp’s regulations and more information about the membership. Note that we don’t accept cash.

However, for people who are in or used to be in the executive team of Kinagrupp or have given significant contributions, there would be a simplified application procedure and a reduced membership fee.







So, what are you waiting for? Apply to be a member of Kinagrupp now and enjoy all the discounts and benefits! Please click the link below, upload relevant files, fill in the form and submit. We will handle your application as soon as possible.

Application Form

Chalmers Kinagrupp

September 2018

